How to write a good answer in Economics for Class 12

How to write a good answer is a question which haunts students of every subject and students of Economics are no exception. Economics is one of those subjects which requires an understanding of the society as an economic unit. Moreover, in exams, it requires a style of language which is easy to understand. So, to answer a question of Economics, you should have a brain with critical understanding and an ability to write in correct language. In this very important piece of article, we will show you how to write a good answer in Economics in Class 12.

What is the word Limit?

First thing you need to see what is the word limit for each questions. As per the latest sample paper issued by CBSE for 2023-24, Economics has 4 types of questions.

Multiple Choice Questions:

First type of questions belongs to Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). There are 20 MCQs in the paper, 10 from Macro Economics and 10 from Indian Economy. Each MCQ carries 1 mark. These MCQs include questions like statement based questions, Assertion and Reason type questions, fill in the blanks questions, questions based on data analysis, numerical based questions. These questions have no word limit as you can just write the correct option.

Short Answer Questions:

There are two types of short answer questions in the paper. In the first type of short answer type questions, you need to give answer in approximately 60 to 80 words. There are 4 such questions which carry 3 marks each. It means these questions carry 12 marks in total. In another type of short answer type questions, you need to give answer in 80 to 100 words. There are 6 such questions which carry 4 marks each. It means, they carry 24 marks in total.

Long Answer Questions:

There are 4 long answer type questions which carry 6 marks each. You need to answer these questions in 100 to 150 words. However, one thing you must note that these questions are not those typical long answer types questions for which you need to write very long answers. The reason for this is that these questions are divided in sub-questions. Most of them have 2 sub-questions carrying 3 marks each. So, normally you need to give answer in 60 to 80 words. Moreover, these is one paragraph based question where you will be provided an article and most probably two questions in the end. These questions can carry 4 marks for one question and 2 marks for second question. However, other combination of the questions may be – one question of 4 marks and two questions for 1 marks each.

Strategy for MCQs

For MCQs, you have to just pick up the right answer and write it in your exam sheet. In order to save time, you can just write the correct option in the form of A, B, C, D or as per the index of the given option. Time saved here can be used to write answer for short and long answer types of questions.

Strategy for short answer type questions

In case of writing answer for the short questions, following things should be kept in mind:
  1. You need to stick to word limit.
  2. You should not exaggerate or over elaborate your answer.
  3. Answer should be concise and at the same time comprehensive.
  4. It should cover all the aspect which are required to be answered as per the demand of the question.
  5. It should have a brief introduction and a conclusion.
  6. You should always use graphs/flowcharts where it is possible as it will have a lasting impression on the examiner.
  7. Use bullet points for questions which demands answering in points. However, you should also write a brief into to this question.
  8. For questions which ask for differences in two terms/concepts, you may draw a line in between the two concepts and answer point-wise. One thing you should note that if it is related to economic concepts then you should write difference in definitions as first point. This question should also have a brief introduction.
  9. As there is specific terminology in Economics. So, you need to incorporate economic terms in you answers.
  10. Definition should be written in definition style. You should not try to give detailed examples in such questions. Use words like it can be defined as, it means etc.
  11. Numerical should be attempted with accuracy because one mistake in between can draw a wrong conclusion/answer. It happens mainly in question related to National Income Accounting. So, you need to be extra cautious in attempting such questions.

Strategy for Long Answer Question:

Since long answer types questions are divided in short answer type questions, you need to follow the above mentioned strategy.


The case study para typically consists one question of 4 marks and another of 2 marks. The question of 4 marks needs to be answered carefully as it may not have full answer in the para itself. It may require you to give answer based on the knowledge you have acquired from your class 12 Economics text books. The 2nd question is likely to have answer in the para itself. However, it may not be always true. It can be similar to other question demanding knowledge other the para’s content.
So, You need to thoroughly revise you syllabus so that you may not miss these six marks.

Some Important Links

Solved Past Year Question Paper of Economics-2023

Notes on Indian Economy between 1950 to 1990

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